You’re using your dry shampoo all wrong!

I heart dry shampoo. It’s especially handy when you live in a humid country and your roots tend to get greasy really, really quick. Heck, some days my hair is 80% dry shampoo. But there is an art to using dry shampoo.
how to use dry shampoo, dry shampoo, the best way to use dry shampoo

Yes, you spray it right into the roots from about 10 cm away.

Yes, you use on second day hair.

But the trick is to use it the night before.

Spraying dry shampoo into your roots the night before ensures the product absorbs any sebum produced by the scalp when you sleep. When you wake up your hair will look refreshed and you may only need to touch up a few spots. Just make sure you spray it in after your skincare routine. And don’t forget to shake the bottle before you spray!

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4 Replies to “You’re using your dry shampoo all wrong!”

  1. I was never sure to use dry shampoo or not and then I tried it last week when my schedule was so busy and I had no time to shampoo and style my hair and that was in the morning. I was surprised to see the results(in both positive and negative ways and I was rubbing my scalp even after going to the office….haha. But great tips, I am going to apply it at night after my skincare routine. Thank you for this post!


  2. I’ve heard of this trick, but didn’t believe it… I’m going to be trying this tonight before bed, I live for dry shampoo! I have no idea what I did before it! Xx

    Kez |


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